Sunday 24 February 2013

Little Intro :)

Hi everyone!!!,

and welcome to Redlippedrebel, a beauty and lifestyle blog, where I aim to share my new,views and reviews on anything beauty related.

I've been debating for some time now about taking the plunge and actually start writing a beauty blog but its only recently i decided i better take the bull by those sharp pointy horns and get started because its either now or never :)

I'm known to everyone as Gemma , I'm 25 (soon 26) andq huge  beauty freak! I live and breathe it and have become quite an addict . I also love baking ,fashion ,hair and I'm  a HUGE book reader. I'm quite a bubbly outgoing person and rather opinionated so i though what better than forcing my opinions on beauty related matters on to all of you :p?!?!

 I want to keep this quite short and sweet so I don't bore the hell out of you all , but i just wanted to say hi, so feel free to say hi back and share all your opinions and suggestions with me as I'd really appreciate them :)

I'm really hoping to gain a few followers/readers in the coming months and all going well I will eventually branch out into videos(fingers crossed)

Thats all for now guys n gals and happy reading x


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